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Lucky Man

Today is Toby’s 52nd birthday. He says it is his "lucky number" since it was his high school football number. I think he has been pretty lucky all along. Here is wishing you many more lucky years, dear!

I have been invited to paint with some friends today. Now to decide what to paint…maybe a San Antonio picture. This could be part of my plan to do more painting. By the way, Jes posted some more pics on her blog – very artsy. Here is another Jesse story: While eating out in SA, I was wrestling with a butter package that would not open. Jesse took it from me and tried to open it, too. After a few minutes of struggling, she said, "I think it is deformed." Long pause, "I mean defective." It is funny the words we choose and the meanings they have – connotation vs. denotation. While in SA, I was looking at some jewelry and said, "Here are some pretty bangles." Now where did I get the word "bangles?" Was it even the right word? Later we were in another store and there was a sign that said, "Bangles $3.00" Yep, "Bangles" was right. How did I know that?

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